Unicorn Gundam "Gundam UC", Bandai MG
From the OVA series, Gundam Unicorn, comes this highly detailed and fully transformable model kit of the Unicorn Gundam!
- Runner x 22
- Instruction Manual x 1
- Foil sticker x 1
- Dry decal x 1
- Marking sticker x 1
- Features translucent pink plastic that glows under UV black light to simulate the NT-D mode and sliding panels for transformation to Unicorn mode.
- Comes with a beam magnum, bazooka, and beam sabers.
- OVA version of Gundam Unicorn features molded vulcans in the head, an extra V-fin, different caution markings, blue beam sabers and different leg parts that give knees more movement.
- Original
Ver. Ka
parts are also included.