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Wing w/Supports: Taylorcraft
Zinc/Aluminum Alloy Propeller SuperCat 700BL, Velocity 800BL
150mAh 1S 3.7V 15C LiPo Battery, Ultra-Micro Connector
2-Blade Propeller (2) & Spinner; Super Cub 750 BL
2.4GHz Transmitter; Micro Warbirds
2.4GHz Transmitter; Stinger GPS
3540/2000KV Brushless Motor; SC700BL Super Cat
4-in-1 Control System; Tempest 600, Super Cub MX4
5-in-1 Control Board; P-51, F4U, T-28
8mm Coreless Motor; Micro Sport Cub
9g Waterproof Rudder Servo; Black Marlin MX, LightWave
Ballast (Zinc): Eclipse
Canopy latch (2); Velocity 800 Brushless
Canopy Set; SWAT
Complete Diff; Mini Trek
Diff Case Housing, Drive Gears & Motor Pinion; Mini Trek
Drive Shafts & Diff; Mini Trek
Front Replacement Arm w/ Motor (CCW); Stinger GPS
Front Replacement Arm w/ Motor (CW); Stinger GPS
Fuselage with Motor & Gearbox; Bf 109
Fuselage with Motor & Gearbox; P-51 Obsession
Fuselage; Super Cub 750 BL
Fuselage; Tempest 600
Gear Sets & Diffs; Mini Trek